Cecile and her friends
Oct 10

Cecile and her friends

Dear Giang
Back in Paris, 3 degrees and fog (brrrr it changes!), I look at the photos
A huge thank you for letting us discover your country, a little of its history, a little of its myths, its landscapes, colors, flavors, and population.
This trip was simply extra ordinary and will remain engraved in my soul.
This makes me want to be even more interested in Viet Nam and why not, one day organize a trip to the Center and the South.
If you have the opportunity to return to the families who warmly welcomed us, I will be happy to send you by mail some portrait photos to give to them.
Once again, many thanks!!

Cecile and her friends

Annick and Patrick
Oct 10

Annick and Patrick

We took a trip to northern Vietnam a few years ago with our daughter and we had Giang as our guide. We have excellent memories of it. Giang is not only kind, available, very cultured, but he speaks perfect French. Without forgetting his singing talents which we were able to appreciate in particular during the visit to Halong Bay during a memorable evening on our boat. As well as during a visit to a local where to access it,  we had to buy Chinese plastic boots because we could only access it on foot,  the rain having made the path muddy. The evening and part of the night remain memorable with these moments of sharing with the locals as well as the other tourists who stayed with us.
What wonderful memories together.
Annick and Patrick.


Nous avons effectué un voyage dans le nord Vietnam il y a quelques années avec notre fille et nous avions Giang comme guide . Nous en gardons un excellent souvenir.  Giang est non seulement gentil,  disponible,  très cultivé mais il parle un français parfait.  Sans oublier ses talents de chanteur que nous avons pu apprécier notamment pendant de la visite de la baie d'Halong lors d'une soirée mémorable sur notre bateau.  Ainsi que lors d'une visite chez l'habitant où pour y accéder,  nous avons dû acheter des bottes chinoises en plastique car nous ne pouvions y accéder qu'à pieds,  la pluie ayant rendu le chemin boueux . La soirée et une partie de la nuit restent mémorables avec ces moments de partage avec les habitants ainsi que les autres touristes qui logeaient avec nous .
Que de merveilleux souvenirs ensemble .
Annick et Patrick .


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